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SKU: 644216868407

Helps to purifiy the blood and supports the immune system.



Bromelain – bromelain topically, to remove dead skin from burns, and orally, to reduce inflammation and swelling — particularly of the nasal passages. Bromelain is also used as a digestive aid for osteoarthritis and to reduce soreness in aching muscles.


Schizandra berry - As an adaptogen, schizandra is a potent general tonic, decreasing fatigue, enhancing physical performance, and promoting endurance. The berry countersstress by reducing the levels of stress hormones in the blood. Additionally, schisandra offers great benefits for


Nettle leaf - In particular, its high vitamin A content supports cell differentiation, healthy vision and robust immune response. The vitamin K in nettle leaf tea supports cellular functions, including blood clotting and bone metabolism.


Red Clover - Red Clover impressive health benefits includes healing wounds, improving cardiovascular health, treating psoriasis and eczema, treating infertility, combating osteoporosis, fighting cancerous cells, supporting immune system, improving scalp health, strengthening internal body, supporting psychological health, and boosting energy.

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